
威尼斯赌场网站科学技术学院通过其综合课程提供了两种研究生学习途径. Although it is not a major, students who follow the Pre-Pharmacy 两年后,我将有资格申请坦普尔大学药学院. If you’ve already been accepted to the School of Pharmacy as a Direct Admit student, you can also choose the Pharmaceutical Sciences BS 加速程序, 通过该课程,你将在七年内获得学士学位和药学博士学位. Both options are ideal if you are interested in entering a healthcare profession.

In the Pre-Pharmacy track, you’ll take a blend of biology, 化学 和 mathematics coursework to prepare you for the School of Pharmacy. Pharmaceutical Sciences students have a broad, interdisciplinary grounding in the sciences—both in the classroom 和 lab. You’ll study biology, 化学, mathematics 和 physics to underst和 scientific discoveries in healthcare.

Pre-Pharmacy Track versus Pharmaceutical Sciences Major

选择药学预科还是药学学士学位取决于你之前是否被坦普尔大学药学院录取 大一的时候.

  • Pre-Pharmacy 课程是为那些希望进入药学院并获得药学博士学位但尚未申请或被录取的学生量身定制的. 感兴趣的学生在一学年后宣布专业,并在两年内完成本科课程要求. During that time, students apply to the School of Pharmacy. 如果承认, 学生在科学技术学院学习两年后转到药学院的药学博士项目. 药学预科课程的学生不需要获得学士学位,而是攻读药学博士学位. Learn more about PharmD prerequisites 和 School of Pharmacy at Temple.
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences BS degree is designed for incoming students who have already been admitted to the School of Pharmacy. Because it is an 加速程序, 学生在三年内完成科学技术学院的本科学位, enter the School of Pharmacy in their fourth year. 的 subsequent three years are spent earning a PharmD in the School of Pharmacy. 该课程的学生将在七年内获得药学学士学位和药学博士学位. Learn more about the accelerated degree.
Image shows a pair of gloved h和s in a lab squeezing a liquid from a tube into a vial.

类 & 课程

药学学士学位的学生需要在科学技术学院和文学院完成90个学分. 科学技术学院的课程侧重于科学的基础知识,以帮助他们为研究生学习做准备. Some of the classes include

  • Introduction to Biology,
  • 有机化学 有机化学 Laboratory,
  • Principles of Anatomy 和 Physiology.

Explore more courses for the Pharmaceutical Sciences BS.

Many of these classes are also available to students in the Pre-Pharmacy track, though they must be completed in two years prior to entering the School of Pharmacy. Learn more about the Pre-Pharmacy curriculum.

Related 研究生 Degrees

*School of Pharmacy

3+4 Accelerated Programs

科学技术学院提供3+4学位课程,为期7年, instead of the usual eight years. Qualifying undergraduate students can obtain an undergraduate degree from CST 和 a

  • Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry from the Kornberg School of Dentistry,
  • Doctor of Podiatric Medicine from the School of Podiatric Medicine,
  • Doctor of Medicine from the Lewis Katz School of Medicine, or
  • Doctor of Pharmacy Medicine from the School of Pharmacy.

Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health Program

科学技术学院学士学位后健康预科课程是为计划申请医学院或从事其他健康相关专业的学生设计的. 的 program offers the following two tracks.

  • 健康科学的基础核心课程是为那些需要必要的科学课程来申请医学院的专业人士设计的.
  • 健康科学高级核心课程是为满足医学预科要求并寻求高级科学课程的在读学生开设的课程.

这两个课程都包括刘易斯卡茨医学院和科学技术学院的课程. 了解更多关于科学技术学院的学士学位后预健康计划.

学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access 和 affordability, 理学学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

学费 rates are set annually by the university 和 are affected by multiple factors, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, 和更多的. You can view the full Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.

的se tuition costs apply to the 2024–2025 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $23,112.00 /年
州外: $38,160.00 /年

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