
Attain lucrative algebraic, analytic and numerical skills with the 数学文学学士学位 or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics in Temple’s College of Science and Technology. 研究生s of this degree program can serve in a number of professional roles, 包括精算师, 业务分析师, 数据库管理员, 研究员和统计学家. 事实上,美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,数学家的就业市场和工资中位数将大幅上升. 学生还可以通过各种与stem相关的研究生课程继续他们的学术生涯.

在四年的课程中,你将学习数学应用、计算和理论. 在这个123学时的课程中, you’ll not only learn how to recognize, isolate and solve mathematical problems, but also how to communicate your findings through electronic media, 口语和写作.

In this program, you’ll learn how to  

  • 交流思想,
  • translate real-life 和oretical data into mathematics, and
  • understand abstract algebra and real and complex analysis.

Choosing between the BA and BS in Mathematics  

Depending on your level of commitment to mathematics, 你可以选择54到55学时的学士学位课程,也可以选择65学时的学士学位课程. 的 BS in Mathematics requires more advanced mathematics courses, 如果你打算攻读数学研究生学位,哪个可能更适合你.

相反, you can broaden your educational experience and opt for the BA in Mathematics, which allows for more flexibility in coursework.

Temple professor working through complex math problem with students

类 & 课程

All students must take the program’s introductory courses. 除此之外,你的课程将取决于你是选择攻读学士学位还是学士学位.

Learn more about required Mathematics courses.





的 College of Science and Technology offers +1 Accelerated Bachelor-Master Programs. Students can earn a BA or BS and, at the end of the fifth year, an MA or MS. 课程作业在五年内完成,而不是通常的六年课程.

了解更多有关 College of Science and Technology’s +1 Bachelor-Master programs.

数学专业 / Master of Education

你也可以获得科学技术学院的数学专业和教育与人类发展学院的教育学硕士学位. 符合条件的学生可以在五年内获得硕士学位,而不是通常的六年. Learn more about pursuing this accelerated degree.


符合条件的学生可以在五年的课程中获得公共卫生学院的数学专业和物理治疗博士学位, instead of taking the usual six years.

了解更多有关 College of Science and Technology's 3+3 Accelerated Degree Program.


科学技术学院提供3+4个加速学位课程,为期7年, 而不是通常的八年. Qualifying undergraduate students can obtain the 数学专业 from CST and a

  • Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry from the Kornberg School of Dentistry,
  • Doctor of Podiatric Medicine from the School of Podiatric Medicine,
  • Doctor of Medicine from the Lewis Katz School of Medicine, or
  • Doctor of Pharmacy Medicine from the School of Pharmacy.

了解更多有关 College of Science and Technology’s 3+4 Accelerated Degree Programs.

Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health Program

科学技术学院学士学位后健康预科课程是为计划申请医学院或从事其他健康相关专业的学生设计的. 的 program offers the following two tracks.

  • 健康科学的基础核心课程是为那些需要必要的科学课程来申请医学院的专业人士设计的.
  • 健康科学高级核心课程是为满足医学预科要求并寻求高级科学课程的在读学生开设的课程.

这两个课程都包括刘易斯卡茨医学院和科学技术学院的课程. 了解更多关于科学技术学院的学士学位后预健康计划.

Dual Bachelor-Master Program for International Students

国际学生有机会在他们的家乡获得学士学位,并在五年内获得坦普尔大学的研究生学位. 这个多学科项目包括坦普尔大学的本科和研究生水平的课程. Students are prepared for professional careers in today’s global economy and job market.


学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 理学学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

学费 rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), in-state or out-of-state residency, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.

的se tuition costs apply to the 2024–2025 academic year.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $23,112.00 /年
州外: $38,160.00 /年